Bowen Therapy and Headaches – my experience.
APRIL, 2017
Bowen Therapy
Natural Therapy

I have had many people turn up at the clinic asking if I can help with their headaches using Bowen Therapy.

I invariably say that I will try to help, by aligning the body to it’s optimum position (which starts during the first session). 

Headaches are usually caused by either tight trapezius muscles – those that go from the base of the skull to the middle back via the shoulder blades, clenching of the jaw or grinding the teeth, TMJ misalignment, too much thinking, hangovers, not drinking enough water, eye problems or ill prescribed glasses, PMT, food intolerances or something more serious.
Headaches can be caused by a variety of reasons – computers are one of these.

During a Bowen session the spine is relaxed using gentle Bowen muscle manipulations, starting from the lower back all the way up to the base of the skull. There are times depending on the persons history or condition I will add some extra moves specifically targeting areas of concern for them.

There is not always a generic set of moves I do, it’s usually quite custom made for the person involved.

There is one particular man I remember:

He had been having severe headaches for 10 years. These were daily headaches and were quite debilitating. He is a skeptical straightforward man so was very suspicious of the Bowen Technique, but his partner had suggested he give it a go.

Nothing else had worked and so he decided to turn up and take a risk.

After his first session which he reacted reasonably strongly to  i.e. his head and body felt very heavy during the procedure – he got up from the table feeling tired and groggy.

He turned up fro the second session of Bowen Therapy saying his headaches had lessened from daily to only a few times a week and weren’t as severe.

Bowen Therapy simply works.

It took only 3 sessions for him to be a total believer!!

His headaches had gone completely. We did 2 more sessions over the next month and then onto once a month for 2 more sessions…..he hadn’t had a headache for weeks!

He would randomly come into the clinic and declare loudly how pleased he was!!

He was the happiest man I knew! He took up tennis again and was just so much happier and pain free….needless to say, so was his partner!

………..and of course there are many more success stories from different causes and lifestyles, ages and situations.

So  headaches and Bowen Therapy? I would say there’s a high chance it will move quite quickly and often not return!

Brigid Fitzgerald

Brigid Fitzgerald

Owner Operator of DestressXpress Mobile Therapies

Brigid Fitzgerald is a qualified Bowen Therapist,

Remedial Massage Therapist, Subtle Body Healer and Reiki Master

with about 30yrs of experience.


Still need help?

For any other questions, please contact me via phone call or text at 0418552813