Bowen Therapy for Chronic Illness


JUNE, 2017

Bowen Therapy
Chronic Illness
Chronic Pain

Does Bowen Therapy work for Chronic Illness ….absolutely!

But how does it work and what would you expect from this treatment?

Some of the chronic illnesses I’ve seen in my practice have ranged from

  • Ross River Fever and Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
  • Asthma and bronchitis
  • Reflux and indigestion
  • Constipation and Diarrhoea
  • Excema
  • Parkinsons Disease
  • Arthritis
  • Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Syndrome
  • Stroke (CVA)

Bowen Therapy can help the recovery time after having a stroke.

A determination to heal is also beneficial, as it can be a long road encompassing many different aspects including diet, outlook, lifestyle choices, movement and support.

But it can be done, I’ve seen people recover and continue to enjoy their lives.

In each of the above illnesses I’ve treated with Bowen Therapy the results have been different – there’s no “one rule for all” here. This is your body and life.

It takes an awful long time for a Chronic Disease to rear it’s head and become what is called “incurable” and it can therefore take some time to undo the damage that’s been building along the way.

This is where Bowen Therapy and Flower Essences come into play beautifully.

Bowen will access your body’s intrinsic intelligence to find the most effective method of healing in most efficient way. It’s not often that I don’t have a pleasantly surprised client  – who has been told that what they’ve been diagnosed with is incurable and they are stuck with it the rest of their life – discover that they feel better, more alive, far more positive about their future and much of the pain disappears.

This is a time when they will see that maybe their lives will be ok again and their is hope!

How long does it take to reach this point?

This is the variable I mentioned earlier.

There are some who respond very quickly as in this woman with Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy (RSD) Syndrome I treated who responded extremely quickly. 

She came in with severe pain and on a huge dose of pain killers both orally and transdermal. Her Leg was blue – no pulse could be detected at all in her ankle – she was 24yrs old. The prognosis for this was dismal and she could take years to recover and even then her leg would be permanently damaged from the tissue damage resulting from lack of blood supply – let alone the kidney and liver damage from the massive pain killers.

First Bowen was very simple as her entire body went into a state of total relaxation. In these cases I prefer to let the body lead the way and not interfere too much.  That may sound a bit cosmic to some – but believe me – it’s ridiculously effective.

The second Bowen was 2 weeks later when her pain had diminished by about 60% and her pain meds also significantly reduced. So this week I did a lot more Bowen on her as her body was ready to take that next step.

I didn’t see her again (she lived 10hrs away from where I worked) – but called her after a few months to see how she was.

The result was spectacular. No pain and back at work. Now able to drive around and her life was back on track again.

No one is the same or has the same life history and not every healing journey is predictable.

There are other people I’ve treated who really needed to add dietary advice and major life changes to the Bowen to make the most of it.

Not everyone is the same and not every healing journey is predictable.

Even the woman I mentioned above has more than likely had some major life changes since I’ve seen her – life never stays the same and for someone to tell you that you are incurable and are going to stay that way is unforgivable and takes away all hope of recovery.

Some people really benefit from discovering how to eat well if they have lung disease – i.e. to avoid all dairy and wheat and sugar – of course – is a huge benefit to them and a huge emotional challenge as well.

It’s not easy to give up comfort foods when you feel sick and miserable. But the benefits are worth it.

No matter what sort of chronic illness you are suffering the chance of recovery is greatly enhanced by regular treatments of Bowen Therapy.

Even Depression can be lifted especially with the added help of Australian Bushflower Essences

For those who have had Ross River Fever the results were also amazing

I often included Australian Bushflower Essences as an adjunct to help through the emotional turmoil this debilitating disease can bring and sometimes Colloidal Silver – but i’m not too sold on it really.

Arthritis responds beautifully –

by relaxing all the muscles, ligaments and tendons in the body and thus the Fascia as well – the results are amazing.

I can’t fix the actual Arthritis itself – but with the added mobility and lessened pain these people are able to be far more mobile and get back to the activities they have been missing so much e.g. lawn bowls, gardening, walking along the beach and much more. Removing acidic food like potatoes, fried and processed foods, all sugars, dairy, cigarettes, microwave meals, plus moving more (this is where Bowen comes in by releasing the muscle tension and  promoting a relaxed state of being).

It’s also important to manage your weight and experiment with your diet to see which foods you are attracted to that make you feel worse.

Often I meet people who are taking medication for their adult reflux problems and immediately become worried about the side effects these medications often produce.

If you are one of these people have look at the little flyer that should come with your tablets – if it’s not there google the side effects for that particular medication. This is your right as a consumer and for your self-awareness.

I’m not going to go through them all here – it would take too much time and you can do this for yourself, it’s very easy to find. They are very dangerous drugs and it’s important to be well-informed.

Also some general rules are to avoid fried foods, meat, bad fats (there are some good fats that are very beneficial for you) and sweets, some fruits, alcohol, coffee, tea, grains and dairy

Keep a Heartburn and Food Journal: See what foods make you feel worse and remove them.

Saying all that – Bowen Therapy also helps a lot as well by releasing the diaphragm – a huge muscle which can cause problems in the stomach area by tightening around it. And the rebalancing of the entire body aids it as well – Bowen takes away the angst, stress and felling of it being ‘unfixable’ and gives back a sense of power and in some cases simply gets rid of it entirely.

As I said before there’s no ‘one rule for all’ with any ailment. Experiment and experiment more until you find what works for you.

Parkinson’s Disease is a complex issue and one that occur at anytime on life.  I’ve found that Bowen therapy helps immensely although isn’t a cure at all.

Bowen will ease the pain in the body considerably and often lessen the tremors and make walking much easier as well by improving their balance. It will also help to lessen the depression brought on by this disease. It is a very good addition to any other treatment you have going on at the time as it will compliment and enhance the progress.

Stroke or CVA (cardio Vascular Accident) is also a very common problem now. And luckily I’ve had a fair amount of success with this even after several years of neglect after the stroke.

To see a man in his 70’s who was hemiplegic from a stroke firstly feel his hand and then move it for the first time in years, then stand up and see out of his hospital window  for the first time is a wonderful thing. This was managed mainly by Bowen – no other treatments were being given at the time. It took a lot of work – not only by me, but him as well. He worked hard and did all the exercises I gave him.

If you have any chronic illness, have been told you will have to stay on medication for ever and there’s no cure – try Bowen Therapy

The amount of people I’ve seen who are at the “end of the road” (that’s their wording not mine) and are so desperate they’ll try anything (again, not my words) and either fix completely or gain a much better outlook on life by having less pain, more control over their health and more freedom in their movements is in high percentile.

It’s seriously worth trying Bowen Therapy for chronic illness of any kind.